Friday, March 18, 2011

Posters and Plasticine

Today, I am five. Just for the day, you understand. This means that I am required to do all the dorky things I found myself doing today - like making a plasticine tongue in my Phonetics class, and making a glittery poster for Latin. Perhaps the best part is the fact that I did both these activities with classmates, and I get to keep them! I plan to show my parents and they have to gawk like they used to and squeal embarrassingly and tell me that I'm so good at this.

Though I'm not gonna lie, my Pyramus and Thisbe poster doesn't look half bad. And my tongue was pretty.

This all started back in January, on the first day of Latin class. Our class meets in a room in the Education building, and last semester one of the other classes that met in the same room was a class for the future teachers of our children. There were posters on the wall written in that immaculate hand, featuring the Traits of a Good Teacher in large, friendly letters. They had a poster with a tree on it, and a page that was just a list of Traits, and then they had one that was a giant peace sign - or would have been, had they not gotten it confused with the Mercedes-Benz logo. When we told our professor about this, she was overjoyed. Just thrilled. She declared that we, too, had to make posters, just to show off how awesome we were. They were going to include glitter and red paint (because everyone dies in the Metamorphoses, especially people like Pyramus and Thisbe, who stab themselves on the same sword) and Latin, and we had to put on our names and ages. This idea percolated for a good two months or so before we set a date and then executed the whole affair, and yes, executed is the only term appropriate for such a thing. My professor's looks the best: she has a frog with a mustache and red eyes to signify P&T's nasty parents, and a pipe cleaner tree bathed in red and blue and green paint ("It's the greenery!" were her words), and it includes a unicorn. Because no poster is complete without a unicorn. Also cut-out pictures of celebrities to play the roles of P&T, just because it's better that way. We have one fine arts student in the class, and he made a poster that actually looked nice. I'll see the finished product on Monday; I didn't stick around longer than I needed to finish my masterpiece. I'll post pictures. I promise.

And that was how I spent my Friday afternoon. This evening? I'm going to write a paper. Because I know how to have a good time. I mean, it's about Middle English! And Middle French! And orthography! It also...helps?...that Ian is out of town. He's gone off to watch herring spawn on the Island with a few friends.

With regards to So much! A few days ago, I made garlic broth with a poached egg and spinach in it. It sounds really good, but for one, I made the broth too weak; for another, I am not a wobbly runny egg person, I like my eggs cooked all the way through, or fried, and poached eggs don't do that; and the spinach is kind of a mysterious floating thing when put in soup. Tasty, but mysterious and floaty. Fortunately, I had that lovely loaf of bread to chase it down.

Last night, I cut up two slices of thick happy bacon (bacon that isn't tortured in life is expensive) into small bacon pieces, baked them, and then used some of the grease to bake potato chunks and onion together with salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic powder. When they were done (which is pretty quick, since you bake them at 425 or 450 degrees), I steamed some spinach in a bowl in the microwave and added the potatoes and bacon on top. It was actually quite nice. Later that evening, I was lonely and so I made scones. When I was in the middle of baking them, Ian called, and I promised him some, and so I ate a few when they were fresh and stored the rest until I saw him today, upon which I promptly forgot all about the scones until he was already in the car and long gone. So now I need to make him scones to redeem myself. I ate all of them. Alone.

Well, it's now 7:43 here, and I should probably go get started on that paper. Or at least drink some tea. Should I sleep tonight? Hm. We'll find out.


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