Saturday, March 26, 2011

Regreetings, my fellow Ovidians et al!

It's been a while. My excuse is school, and major hella epic stress. Roommates and homework and finding a place to live next year and papers and depression and aaugh. Suffice to say that last night, the two girls I'll be living with next year went and checked out a place we saw last week, just to confirm that we were interested (it's some basement in a decent area, with old ladies living upstairs) and they said I couldn't have the piano there. Because this threw such a wrench in the whole decision business, one of the two of them got so stressed out she started crying, and then they told me about the piano situation and I started crying, and it was just bad. I had anxiety nightmares all night long, when I wasn't lying awake worrying about things like weeping angels and daleks and suchlike (we were watching the new series of Dr Who last night - Stephen Moffet is an awesome writer, creepy as all get out). We had another house viewing lined up for this morning, and I felt amazingly non-functional. But we went anyway. On the way, I was looking at the area - King Edward Avenue, which I've always liked - and just hoping and wishing that the place we were going to see would fit with the general splendor of the place. The picture had apparently made it look dumpy on the outside, and there were no interior pictures to look at, so we had no idea what we were really getting into.

Yes, the outside was dumpy. BUT. The interior was Victorian. Just...perfect. Higher ceilings on the ground level, full unfinished basement, upstairs were two smallish rooms with sloping ceilings, the kitchen was ugly but hey what's new, the whole place had hardwood floors which had an inlaid border oh my gods and it was just. So. Gorgeous. I ran around that house like a crazy person, in absolute raptures about everything, laughing, smiling, exclaiming. Christine is like, "Kate, tone it down a little!" I tried. I promise I tried. It was just really hard, that place was so lovely. And there's a quaint little backyard where we can have a garden (Chelsea and I are both so stoked about this; she just walked into the room and said, "Vegetable garden!!" We so exited, I tell you), and I can keep my piano, and it's superhellaepic cheap and oh, I want this house. We all do, I think. So. Stoked.

Now all we have to do is get it. Kinda scary. But. We'll see what happens. We're gonna be on our toes until this whole housing thing is worked out, and if it can be worked out by Monday that would be incredible. By which I mean unbelievable and fantastic. We'd all breathe a sigh of relief and then have a dance party.

Okay. Well. Back to homework. No food writing today; I've not gone to the grocery for way too long, and so I don't really have anything to eat besides risotto and pancakes. Not bad, but perhaps not the most noteworthy of things.

Love and houses,

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