Saturday, April 9, 2011


Okay. I know that only about three people read this (hi Sarah! Hey Jules! Illowillowbillowpillow! And of course, hi Mom. Okay, I guess that's four, whatever) but still, this is important!

I was reading KinokoFry, one of my favorite webcomics, in an attempt to get away from the travailles of Latin for a while. She's good at reminding me that I'm not the only person in the world, and that there's a whole bunch of people out there whose money problems do not center around whether they should pay $75 to fix their stupid hair. She has a lot of series of comics, one that is just silly, one that is about her life and silly, and then two that are more serious: one about ways we can be more sustainable, and one called "The Donation Project."

Inspired by her message, I gave this morning: I donated $25 to a group of women who make sombrero hats and sell them to keep their kids in school and their families in food. I feel kind of giddy, and very happy. And I know I'll get it back sometime, though I don't really care if I do - Kiva, in case you don't know, is a lending business, where people ask for loans and then a lot of other people give a fraction of that and it all adds up.

So now I feel a lot better about life. Though I still need to fight Virgil to the death, that bitch of a good poet, and at some point today I'm going to get my ass out of Vancouver and head to my grandparents' house to see my dad. Aaaugh so busy aaaugh.


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